Welcome to CarRestos!
We all buy projects, most of which seem far easier and cheaper than they actually become!
One of the most important parts of a restoration is documenting the process, to keep track of what goes where, and to provide the final buyer of the work that was undertaken.
Without videoing the teardown, parts manuals and help online is the only hope of putting parts back as they came apart!
This is where CarRestos becomes a useful tool! Rather than just taking a mental note, take photos as you remove parts, and then upload to CarRestos via your mobile with a description, this will help to refer back to at assembly also documenting the process and sharing with others.
When possible, CarRestos uses photo information to tag the photo with the time it was taken and not the upload time, therefore you can upload at a later date but maintain the order. All other information stored with photos are discarded.
We are in the early stages of development and release, so if you have any suggestions to improving the site or discover an issue please contact us via email at admin@carrestos.com
Happy documenting!